IBASHO x social media growth

IBASHO is a prominent Antwerp art gallery specialising in Japanese photography and ceramics. Despite its great reputation, IBASHO’s online communication was not yielding the desired results.

Understand your audience
Online communication plan
Engage through social media
March 2024

The mission?

IBASHO wanted to grow its online presence with a streamlined, clear, and transparent approach to social media, specifically on Instagram.

Their goals included:

• Growing their Instagram page and follower count

• Establishing a consistent posting schedule

• Increasing visits to their website

Let’s dive into our 3 step process!

1. Started off with a detailed workshop to align on IBASHO's goals and essence. Analysed their digital presence including website, social media, and emails.

2. Gathered data led to an Instagram-focused organic content strategy, emphasising organic over paid content, with adaptations for Facebook and LinkedIn, detailed in a six-month content plan.

3. Implemented a transparent workflow with Loomly, allowing IBASHO to review/approve content, ensuring alignment with their vision. Regular content updates and strategic reviews based on metrics and feedback refined our approach along the way.


Gained Instagram Followers
People reached on Instagram
Interactions on Instagram
Website visits coming from Instagram

We actively engage with the gallery’s exhibition planning.

We captured photos and footage of their exhibitions, mindful of the best content format for their social media strategy.

Whenever possible, we attended art fairs IBASHO participated in during 2023, ensuring their social media stayed current and relevant. This helped grow IBASHO’s online community while the people behind IBASHO focused on building their offline community.

More IBASHO results in numbers

Within a year of organically growing their social media presence

  • +126K accounts reached
  • +17k interactions in the form of likes, shares, saves, comments and direct messages
  • +2000 new followers across all social media platforms
  • An average engagement rate of 13,5%
  • +1000 website visits coming from social media platforms

But the most important result? 

  • a 7,6% increase in art work enquiries.

Kind words

"The workshops around our online brand identity was very insightful. Also, by assisting us in prepping, planning and posting on social media, it relieves us tremendously. We now have more time to focus on our exhibits."

Annemarie Zethof

Interested to know how your gallery can use social media as an advantage? Book a free strategy call.

A photograph of Finn